300首经典童谣+400首经典欧美儿歌链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c56ry5G3rTC94sZsI4AHtg 提取码:aqoh --来自百度网盘超级会员V1的分享若有问题欢迎追问。
先申明,我不知道你说的幼稚是什么程度 1 What do you do? When you are hungry,angry,hungry… What do you do? When you are sleppy,happy,sleppy… What do you do? When you are mad,sad,mad… 2 Davy Davy Dumpling, Boil him in a pot, Suger him and butter him, And eat him while he's hot 3 Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle on, we'll all have tea. Sukey take it off again, Sukey take it off again, Sukey take it off again, They've all gone away. 4 As i was walking near the lake, I met a little ratttle snake He ate so much of ju-cake, it mad his little belly ache 5 My hands upon my head I'll place. Upon my shoulders, onmy face. At my waist and by my side. And then behind me they will hide. Then I will raise them way up high. And let my fingers fly ,flly, fly. They clap,clap,clap and one,two,three. Just see how quiet they can be!
4、急求英语童谣和歌词 最好要简单的
First of May Perhaps love (全素妍) You and me (Olivia ong) Que sera sera Spring I love you best glassy sky the lucky one the dinner song Bubbly Smile(glee) Beth(glee)。
てるてるぼうず てるぼうず あしたてんきにしておくれ 日本很早就有的一个童谣,你见过屋顶上挂着的小布娃娃吧,一休哥里面就有,在外出的前一天挂上它,祈求明天是好天气,那就是晴天娃娃,上面的意思是 放晴娘 放晴娘 扫去乌云见太阳。